Digital Foundry E3 Gameplay Analysis
July 6, 2014

Eurogamer's latest Digital Foundry has done an in-depth analysis of the Advanced Warfare gameplay demo that was shown during Microsoft's E3 press conference.
According to Digital Foundry, Advanced Warfare is shaping up to be the biggest technological leap to the series since Call of Duty 2. Although last year's Call of Duty: Ghosts was a next-gen game, it only ran at a 720p resolution on the Xbox One and basically didn't do enough to show the power of the next-generation consoles.
Based on DI's analysis of the gameplay footage, AW runs at a 882p resolution on the Xbox One. This gives it a ~ 50% pixel throughput boost over COD: Ghosts, but unfortunately it comes at a price. The game seems to be having trouble staying at the COD series signature "60 frames per second" performance with only the opening scene having a steady 60 FPS here and there. During more intense scenes the frame rate drops below 40 and also experiences some screen-tear.
Advanced Warfare is a gorgeous-looking game, there is no denying that, but the FPS drops are clearly a concern. It's left to be seen how all this translates to the multiplayer, which will hopefully be revealed during August at the Gamescom trade fair.
Check out the Digital Foundry FPS analysis video below: