AW News Roundup
October 3, 2014

Michael Condrey has confirmed on Twitter that the game will ship with 14 maps. One of the maps, Atlas Gorge, is a Collector's Edition pre-order bonus, but it's now also confirmed to be included in the Season Pass.
@MichaelCondrey: "@AW_FanPage 13 maps plus Atlas Gorge via the collectors edition or season pass at launch."
Condrey also revealed that items earned from Supply Drops carry over when you Prestige, but custom weapons need to have their base weapon unlocked before they can be used. For example, if you have the SAC3 "Misery & Company" submachine gun and Prestige after reaching rank 50, you will need to unlock the standard SAC3 before the custom "Misery & Company" can be used.
@MichaelCondrey: "@BlugMax @Cullacita and unlock your base weapons again before you can use your weapon loot after prestiging."
Speaking of Supply Drops, check out IGN's montage below to see some of the random gear you can earn in the game.