Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare's Future Tech
May 24, 2014

GameInformer's ongoing exclusive coverage of Advanced Warfare has revealed new details of the weapons and futuristic technology that the game has to offer.
Hover Bike
One of the most futuristic vehicles in the game. The Hover Bike's windshield has a thin web-like reinforcement structure with a smart glass projector for an UI. The bikes angular armor shifts with the bike as it moves and also hides a mounted machine gun on the right side of the nose.

3D-Printer Rifle
The 3D-Printer Rifle isn't printed using a 3D-Printer as the name suggests, instead the weapon holds a canister of liquid matter that's used by the rifle's internal computer to printing ammunition on the spot.

Plasma-Powered Rifle
The games Plasma-Powered Rifles are among the more futuristic weapons in the game. The Advanced Warfare reveal trailer showed a similar looking mounted Plasma-Turret that fires blue blasts.

Modern-day exoskeleton prototypes are bulky and require huge power sources to operate, but in 2054, in Sledgehammer Games' universe, exosuits are sleek and versatile. They allow users to jump higher, run faster, punch through doors and even lift heavy objects. Mechanical suits can also be fitted with armor that protect the user from heavier fire, while still keeping their mobility.

Tanks and Aircraft
Futuristic military vehicles incorporate sharper angles to deflect enemy fire and allow them to withstand explosions more effectively. Sledgehammer Games envisions that in the future all flying vehicles have vertical takeoff capabilities that remove the need for modern-day runways.