Advanced Warfare - Exo Abilities
The exoskeleton in Advanced Warfare MP can be equipped with Exo Abilities for extra functionality like hovering and cloaking. Exo Abilities can only be used for a limited time and require strategic use since they are powered by your exosuits battery - once the battery runs dry, you will need to respawn to be able to use them again.
You can normally take one Exo Ability with you, but the "Tactician" Wildcard can be used to replace the Exo Launcher for an additional Exo Ability.
Exo Shield

Deployable shield attached to your arm. The shield depletes your Exo's battery extremely fast when it takes damage.
Exo Overclock

Increases your running speed for a short duration.
Exo Mute Device

Works like the Dead Silence perk by allowing you to move without making any noise.
Exo Stim

Temporarily increases your health.
Exo Cloak

Makes you almost completely invisible for a short duration. Nearby enemies can still see your outline.
The Specialists system in Black Ops 3 works similarly to the Exo Abilities in AW by giving you time-limited power-ups. For example, Spectre's Active Camo works like the Exo Cloak. Instead of taking an ability, you can also choose black ops 3 specialists weapons that are more offensive, like Seraph's Annihilator.
Exo Hover

Allows you to hover in mid-air for a short duration. You can still use your weapons while hovering.
Exo Ping

Shows nearby enemy fire and Exo movement on your HUD as red targets.
Exo Trophy System

Destroys enemy projectiles and knocks back grenades that are thrown in your direction.