Advanced Warfare - Weapons - Attachments
Attachments modify your weapons. Among the many types of modifications, you can give your weapons sophisticated optical scopes, underslung grenade launchers, fire rate adjustments, and ergonomic grips.
ACOG Scope

Basic zoom optic with reduced sway.
Advanced Rifling

Increased range.

Dual wield the same weapon.
Auto Focus Sight

Automatically focuses when aiming down the sight and not moving.
Ballistic CPU

Reduced sway when aiming down with a scope.
Dual Magazine

Every second reload is faster.

Reduced recoil.
Grenade Launcher

Underslung grenade launcher.
Heat Sink

Energy weapons can be fired longer before overheating.

Replaces sniper scope for an ironsight.
Laser Sight

Better hipfire accuracy.
Lightweight Grip

Faster ADS.
Lightweight Stock

Faster movement when aiming down the sight.
Parabolic Microphone

Suppressed enemy shots appear on your radar.
Rapid Fire

Increased fire rate with a small accuracy penalty.
Red Dot Sight

Precision sight with a clear view.

Long range scope for pistols.

Weapon fire doesn't appear on enemy radar.
Tactical Knife

Faster melee attack.
Target Enhancer

Highlights enemies in red.

Shows magnified heat signatures.

Damaging an enemy causes them to show on your radar.
Variable Red Dot Sight

Red Dot Sight with a 4x zoom.
Variable Zoom Scope

Scope with 3 levels of zoom.